Blessings Love and Light to all Ase'

My Spiritual Resume

I AM a spiritual healer and I love to motivate people as well as help them reach their full potential by giving them the techniques I have learned over time regarding living a positive lifestyle.

What I love the most is helping people through teaching them about spirituality as well as how to manifest their wants and needs to them.

 I live my life through positive thinking and I want to share this with the world. I love my tarot cards which I have been reading for over the past 26 years for myself and for others.

I also love spiritual ritual work where I help people manifest their blessings in different areas of their life and I teach them how to do this as well.

Everything that was taught to me when I was growing up from my Nana and Great-Grandmother is what I teach my clients how to do in their own lives. 

 Make sure to follow my group “Spiritual Gods and Goddesses (IAM)” via Facebook where I teach you how to manifest metaphysically and keep a positive mind frame through your daily life situations. I also have an all female group by the name of "Boss Brujas where you can join and network or market your business" 

My Specialty Areas:

Tarot Card Readings

Protection and Reversal Work

Money Work

Court Case Work

Love and Relationship Work

Jar Work (various types of)

Freezer Bottle Work

Skull Candle Work

Specialty Herb Mixing 


*Message me for details*